Apple Montessori Blog

Apple Montessori Joins People Globally to Support World Peace and Our Environment


Apple Montessori Schools will be joining people worldwide to honor the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, September 21, during its “Peace Week” celebrations and peace-inspired activities, culminating on Friday, September 20.

Proclaimed in 1981, the International Day of Peace is “devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

The Montessori philosophy builds upon creating peace and harmony within each child, among others, and within our environment. That’s why it’s especially significant that this year’s theme for the International Day of Peace is “Climate Action for Peace.” Guarding against climate change in one of the vital ways we can support peace and security in our local and global communities.

The children of Apple Montessori Schools will be taking a “Peace Pledge” stating:

“I will seek out opportunities to build peace and make a positive difference in my school and community.”

Apple Montessori Schools’ Peace Week activities include:

  • Decorating “Pinwheels for Peace” for display on Friday, September 20.
  • Painting “Peace rocks” to commemorate Peace Day.
  • Creating chalk “Peace art”.
  • Learning about mindful breathing techniques
  • Singing a song for peace on 9/20 at 9:30 am
  • Planting a “Peace Pole” at the Apple Montessori Wayne, NJ Preschool and Elementary School.

At Apple Montessori Schools, we believe in sharing the harmonious, respectful spirit of the International Day of Peace every day with our students, their families, and the communities we serve. For our Apple parents who participate in any peace day activities with their children on 9/21, we would love to see it! Feel free to post on Social Media and tag us. You can also use hashtag #peaceday!