Apple Montessori Blog

Kindergarten at Apple Montessori Schools


Often when we think about Montessori education, we think about younger children - infants, toddlers, and preschoolers - perhaps attending school for the first time and receiving that priceless self-directed learning experience that is a hallmark of Montessori. At Apple, we offer kindergarten at all 18 of our schools - a rich, challenging program that allows our students to complete the crucial three-year Montessori cycle before continuing on to elementary school. Montessori is for big kids, too!

Apple's full-day kindergarten program offers a well-rounded curriculum that supports and nurtures the whole child, building academic skills, leadership, and character. The kindergartners get the opportunity to be the oldest children in their mixed-aged classrooms, serving as role models to their younger peers. With materials in our classrooms up through a second-grade level and a unique method for learning to read, every child is challenged at their own unique pace, not pushed ahead if not ready and not left behind or bored - in all areas!

Ideally, Apple kindergarten students will have also completed their previous preschool years with us, often with the same teachers and classmates, with the kindergarten year proving essential for solidifying that foundation.

Based on the research and practical application with children over a century ago, Dr. Maria Montessori found that children's development occurs in successive stages for physical, cognitive, social, and emotional maturity. In each "phase of development," a child builds that foundation to move on to the next stage of growth. Each classroom is designed to meet the developmental needs of the child, providing a variety of practical life, sensorial, cognitive, motor, language, social, and educational activities. The daily curriculum is engaging and challenging, designed to appeal to a child's natural curiosity and intellect at each stage of development within the three-year cycle.

At Apple, we pride ourselves on developing independent and confident learners who are eager to try new things and able to solve interpersonal conflict using refined self-regulation, mindfulness, and peace techniques.

Our program builds skills and knowledge across language, math, science, and geography.

Our students participate in projects that benefit their communities.

And they walk out our doors prepared for what comes next.

To read more about Montessori kindergarten at Apple, read our past blog posts about how the Apple kindergarten year can bring big changes for your child, and why choosing Apple for kindergarten could be the right choice for your family.